P3, DM-Morpheus

Players / 3 – 6
Released / 29-09-2023
Version / 1.0
Download / On demand only, read further below how to get the file
Checksum / 1ddfa7fdc5377e6e06f55979bf643fb4

Story / Histoire

Journey to Oblevia, Part 3. LMC knew they had found an excellent arena at the very top of a newly constructed Galaxyscraper SuperStructure. Thanks to the modern miracle of super tensile solids, these three buildings reach a staggering 12 miles high at their pinnacle. The thin atmosphere and reduced influence of Earth’s gravity provide an interesting test of the tournament athlete’s ability to adapt and conquer in extreme environments.

Voyage vers Oblévia, troisième partie. LMC savent qu’ils ont trouvé une excellente arène tout en haut d’une superstructure nouvellement construite. Grâce au miracle moderne des solides ultra-résistants, ces trois bâtiments atteignent une hauteur stupéfiante de 19 km à leur apogée. La faible atmosphère et l’influence réduite de la gravité terrestre constituent un test intéressant de la capacité des athlètes à s’adapter et à conquérir des environnements extrêmes.

A 6 mins match with 6 players in TDM


Put the files into

Local Drive:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks or
Local Drive:\UT4\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Content\Paks

If this directory is not currently on your system, you can safely create it.


The third part of my Journey to Oblevia project is DM-Morpheus. DM-Morpheus is my all time favorite UT99 low gravity level.

Gameplay wise, the only difference between the original Morpheus and mine is the replacement of the Rocket Launcher at the bottom by the Lightning Rifle. I also added two medium health on the same platform to accommodate more the UT4 health system. As a bonus, there are 2 levels of narrow platforms around the towers, giving the player a small chance of landing and getting back into the game when thrown into the void.

I took good care of adjusting the gravity for outside and inside the buildings so the transition is fluid and players can navigate like in the original. Inside the buildings, the floor is lower and the ceiling higher than the original, so there is much more space to move around.

Also, I had to use 3 asset packs instead of relying only on the ‘SciFi Props Pack‘ and the ‘SciFi Populate Pack‘. The buildings assets come from the “Sci-Fi City Kit” which suit better. These assets were used to create CTF-Ahead. Both SciFi Props Pack and SciFi Populate Pack serve for decoration.

The level feature the awesome music track “Skyward Fire (UT99 redux)” by Necto Ulin coming from his Unreal Tournament 99 remixes album.

Note, for all my levels I use Temporal AA since it offers the best visuals.

How to get the file?

If you want to play this level, let me know by going to my About page, then you can email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with a download link where all my levels and readme are. You can also go to my FB page and ask me privately 🙂


  1. The final version became very nice! Beautiful pick of colors and textures. Always a change to and from the low gravity. Lightning gun is a good addition to this open map.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This brings back so many great memories of one of my favorite maps from UT99, with new elements that add something nice to the gameplay. The visuals are of course top-notch as is usual from Steve, adding even more enjoyment to an already great level.

    The color accents on each structure allow for a quick determination of which tower you are in when spawning inside the lower levels (I wish that nice detail would have been present in the original UT99 map). The extra health on the bottom platform is appreciated as there are times I have fallen down to there after a battle and am in dire need of it!

    Be sure to look for players hiding on the ledges around the buildings, as they may use them as launch points for the Redeemer. Due to the low gravity, if using the Translocator even from the lowest ledges you will find that you can get to the top floors of the towers in just a few seconds.

    All in all, another fun and great-looking level to play from Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, in my memory this must be the first UT99-level I played….might be wrong, but it’s definitely one of the first….great remake!

    Liked by 1 person

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