
Players / 2
Released / 29-06-2023
Version / 1.2
Download / On demand only, read further below how to get the file
Checksum / 74524f85ad67f22098026efdb76b5e19

Story / Histoire

Fondation managers offer the opportunity for two players to compete against each other from a Cargo-type vehicle garage, a garage usually accessible only by specialized mechanics.

Les gestionnaires de la Fondation offrent l’opportunité à deux joueurs de pouvoir s’affronter à partir d’un garage de véhicules de type Cargo, garage habituellement accessible seulement que par des mécaniciens spécialisés.

A typical 5 mins duel match


Put the files into

Local Drive:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks or
Local Drive:\UT4\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Content\Paks

If this directory is not currently on your system, you can safely create it.


Layout ; to start with, I inspired myself on another level in my UT3 collection, DM-CogWorks made by ‘Cooloola’. This level is focusing on Duel. It can be played by more players, but it’s not made for. Before starting the creation of this level, I’ve check the layout and pickups placement as a reference and start from there. DM-FonDuality is not a remake and many little things as been made for a better UT4 experience. There are also more room to move since the level is a bit bigger to fit the UT4 scale. In most areas, wall dodge and wall run are possible.

Gameplay ; For comparison, the original as is 1 lift, in mine, there is 2 for various reasons. In UT3, bots didn’t make liftjumps at all. I put lot’s of time to be sure they do and it make the level more fun to play 😀 There is also an addition of a support pillar under the Bio bridge to get a bit of cover from the Link Gun attacker. Now, the vest isn’t in water so players won’t be slowed down by a physic volume. At the time, when playtesting the original, it was a cool to have the vest in a water volume, but for UT4, the idea isn’t really fitting to me, instead, I enlarge the area a bit so the player is more exposed but have more freedom to move. I didn’t want to slow down the flow, in the contrary, I want to push the player to move faster to grab the vest quickly. I also add a bit more vials and replace the Stinger by the Sniper.

Visuals ; To create this level, I’ve bought several sci-fi packs which in all, cost me more than 200$ 😮 The assets are the same used in DM-Fondation but, for this level, I wanted a more dirty, grime look. It’s suppose to be a garage after all 🙂

Note, for all my levels I use Temporal AA since it offers the best visuals.

How to get the file?

If you want to play this level, let me know by going to my About page, then you can email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with a download link where all my levels and readme are. You can also go to my FB page and ask me privately 🙂


  1. Another very nice looking map from Steve that is designed for 1-on-1 play. No high-end power-ups are available, which forces players to rely more on their shooting and evading skills.

    The armor vest is centrally located but is in a low, somewhat tight area in which the player can be exposed to deadly weapon fire, so acquiring it becomes a critical decision. Flak cannon aficionados will appreciate the nearby lift for making a quick exit from its spawn area.

    For just two players it’s a somewhat large map, but plays well for its size. From the central open area there are good opportunities for sniper fire or rockets through wall openings from a distance to reach the perimeter corridors. All in all, a fun map for dueling!

    Liked by 1 person

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