
Players / 4 – 8
Released / 01-07-2023
Version / 1.2
Download / On demand only, read further below how to get the file
Checksum / 75c82885d25d209d3d5d68997146ff3f

Story / Histoire

A team of explorers was left on this strange newly discovered planet to collect soil and water samples. Unfortunately, their first results were not interesting enough to continue the development of their studies, they abandoned this site to explore another more promising sector.

Une équipe d’explorateur fut laissée sur cette étrange planète nouvellement découverte afin de prélever des échantillons de terre et d’eau. Malheureusement, leurs premiers résultats ne furent pas assez intéressants pour poursuivre le développement de leurs études, ils ont délaissé ce site afin d’explorer un autre secteur plus prometteur.

A little gameplay video can be useful for learning possible movements


Put the files into

Local Drive:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks or
Local Drive:\UT4\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Content\Paks

If this directory is not currently on your system, you can safely create it.


I like to challenge myself, so each time I start a new level, each level must use a different theme, lighting scheme, colors, music, sounds effects, etc. When I reuse some stuff, I change the materials properties so it doesn’t look or sound exactly the same.

It’s a small DM, up to 8 players. For this level, I use a combination of 4 different assets packs since they’re all awesome BUT very limited in term of use. Firstly, the Polar sci-fi facility pack for the interior (ceiling, floor, pipes and wall). Secondly, the ICVFX Production test pack for the exterior (sci-fi debris, cliff and rocks). Thirdly, the Elite Landscapes pack for the Skybox and finally, this awesome 350 sci-fi alpha decal pack to add interesting and unique sci-fi decals all over the place 😀

Therefore, there is a size issue… the packs use mostly 8K, 4K textures rez. For UT, I had to lower the quality A LOT of all textures to at least 2K to reduce the cooked file. Even then, the file was way to big (± 2 GB) 😦 So I had to cut more on quality again… reducing a massive bunch of textures to 1K rez. Even with all this compression, the file remain to big for my taste so I didn’t thought to share it at first. Still, I decided to releasing it anyway for the enjoyment of my offline playing friends 😉 So be advise, while it still weight 1.01 GB now, this version offer the best mix of max compression without scarifying visual quality to much. If it was just for me, I would definitely stay with 8K or 4K rez, the level look even better!

As for gameplay, I made a custom Teleporter for this level by kitbashing, my first 🙂 It is located at the junction of the GL and RL and will teleport you to the Sniper platform. It bring some cool twist to gameplay. Note, everywhere there are double arrows on a vertical plate, you can slope dodge. You can also collect the UDamage by wall dodging on the rock. Standing just above GL entrance / exit, there is a plate on the rock, jump at it and dodge. You can also wall dodge at the Shock lift exit instead of moving around it when you’re coming from the Bio ramp and heading to the double medium health.

The level feature the music track Dominion by Marc Mahler. A great music track that will get you in mood!

How to get the file?

If you want to play this level, let me know by going to my About page, then you can email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with a download link where all my levels and readme are. You can also go to my FB page and ask me privately 🙂


  1. I do love all the environmental storytelling you are putting in your levels, all these details and awesome scenery but I’m gonna lie if i say i enjoy the gameplay on it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Steve, just had a few rounds – I really like it! Just love the lighting and post process. The martian landscape really impressed me = )

    Still learning the layout, but enjoying so far. Thanks for all your efforts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THX buddy 😀

      In fact, the ground is made of plane static meshes with several small rocks with various scale. I use tessellation to get that “bumpy” look. Same for the water areas, some plane static meshes with material offset provide that depth effect 🙂

      Glad you like it!


  3. wow what a nice map! very fully enviromentalled and atmospheric. Congrats don’t stop making beauties like this .)
    BTW: Im very sad Epic has decided to close the forum including ut99/2k3-4 and ut3 sections. Keeping as archives. That sound they does not make any new ut in the future. Ok then, I hate fucknite

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello-lolo 😛

      THX for the compliment. I’m happy you like it and enjoy it 😀 I’m curious to know what do you think about my previous levels?

      I have nothing on the table right now. But time will tell.

      Yep, very sad that Epic as close the forums without warning the members. It seem like they let down everyone who have contribute to their success over time and focus only on always more income by selling UE.


      1. Do you think they are done with unreal series? I hope not… 😦
        im very interested what do you do with these maps, how can I get any notice for news maps or updates here in this site? Thanks in advance!

        Ps: you loled with my nick lolo and I loled because lolo is a typo of lol but hey Ill stay with this nick due to lol factor XD

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hey 🙂

          Well, only Epic knows what Epic will do. As longs as the editor and game are working, content creator will be able to continue to create something.

          You can subscribe to my blog, so you’ll get a notification about new posts. Every time I release a new level or a newer version I make a post so you will always stay informed. You can also subscribe at UTCC about me so again, you’ll get all level update by being notified.

          LOL, why not 😀


  4. Hi Steve, I downloaded Dystopia and played it a few times. It is an awesome map, a good one-on-one. I play on a 2K monitor, I do wonder how it looks before you size it down from 8K. I like your custom teleporter to the sniper platform. Funny I first thought it was a jumppad 🙂 Keep up the good work, I love playing your maps and always enjoy the scenery.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bon dia mon ami! It’s always good to come back to something fresh & new with you mon.

    So now that Epic silently updated UT4 (4GB) & read only the forum..
    I’m glad to announce that I got this MeGaMaP Up and Running on the LPA for others to bash on.

    Replays to follow! Merci for share’n your works again with the rest of us Steve!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ho, my good friend, I’m so happy to read you 😀 Been ages I didn’t read ya, I seriously thought something bad happen to you 😮 Or that you left UT for various reasons, which include the forums read only changes 😦

      Honestly, I don’t understand the update. It’s so insignificant! Why use 4 GB while it’s only text, it doesn’t make sense!

      Anyway, I’m curious to watch the replays. You might not know but… I thought about you every time I add the Sniper pickup in a new level, thinking about how many head shot you’ll make lol 😉

      I think it would be nice if you have a blog so you’ll be the master of the content and completely independent. You might want a website for a more better looking site with no adds and better management tools but I think a blog would be cool and that way, I’ll add it to my links. We don’t know the future so now that Epic as make the forums useless, what’s next for the “community”? Tell ya, a blog would be very cool!


  6. Glad to be back & I hear that! I’ve sent you a (copy/paste) link ingame, it’s totally inline with what we need.

    Nice to know that you take headshots into placement consideration, I figured so after have’n to run around look’n for ammo! 😛

    A Lovely new map you’ve given us here Steve, Keep Up the GoodWorks!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey Steve just got some time to try out all your 1.1 modifications. Just love the environment and visuals. Thanks for all your improvements 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Steve, thanks again for all your time and energy you put in mapping. Even when a map is already good, you still spend time to tweak little details to make it even better.

    Liked by 1 person

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