Level designers

Some of my all time favorites level designers and modelers 😀 Sadly, most aren’t active anymore and their website no longer exist. Still, if you found maps made by them, you won’t be deceive because they made some fantastic maps at the time!

Nicolas ‘Achernar‘ Green
Andrew ‘Mclogenog‘ Yoder
Ben ‘Evilmrfrank‘ Burkart
Ben ‘Scinbed‘ Edney
Jonathon Frederick
Chong Lee
Christopher ‘NATO_chrisjm’ Morris
Dan ‘Greenloves’ Rožáński
David ‘DGUnreal‘ Green
Jeff ‘Odedge
Jonatan ‘JonCza or Thrallala‘ Czapnik
Oliver ‘mAlkAv!An
Mario ‘nELsOn‘ Marquardt
Martin ‘MΛuL‘ Fay
Scott ‘Cr4zy‘ Coxhead
Sébastien ‘Nova
Sjoerd ‘Hourences‘ De Jong