DM-Future Mine

Players / 4 – 8
Released / 29-06-2023
Version / 1.1
Download / On demand only, read further below how to get the file
Checksum / 3644a926f13b627cdad3f2b8564189b0

Story / Histoire

This mine was used for several decades. A serious failure of the ventilation system, which compromises the very operation of the mine, proves too costly to repair. During the last inspection, in October 2035, in the deeper levels of the mine, now blocked, it was decided that the mine will be used for the organization of tournaments. For the managers of the mine, in any case, there is nothing left to exploit. Sooner or later, for them, we all end up in the hole…

Cette mine fut utilisée pendant plusieurs décennies. Une sérieuse défaillance du système de ventilation, qui compromet l’exploitation même de la mine s’avère trop coûteux à réparer. Lors de la dernière inspection, en octobre 2035, dans les niveaux plus profonds de la mine, maintenant bloqués, il a été décidé que la mine servira à l’organisation de tournois. Pour les dirigeants de la mine, de toute façon, il ne reste plus rien à exploiter. Tôt au tard, pour eux, on finit tous dans le trou…

Little tricks that can give you the advantage


Put the files into

Local Drive:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks or
Local Drive:\UT4\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Content\Paks

If this directory is not currently on your system, you can safely create it.


Layout ; I inspired myself on another UT2004 classic level, DM-Argel which was a blast at the time made by the famous ‘Hourences’ 🙂

Gameplay ; I’ve made little changes to bring more possible moves. For example, at the lowest level, in the Shock Rifle area, you can climb the pipes to collect the 50 armor and continue to collect other goodies at mid level. You can also continue climbing the pipes then dodge forward to land at the Link Gun or at the medium health. It’s a little shortcut but not without risk 🙂 From the Lighting Gun area, there is now a lift that permits lift jumping instead of making a slope dodge to reach the top level to collect the 100 armor. In all, I added more health and armor that fit better with UT4.

Visuals ; To create this level, I’ve bought several sci-fi packs which in all, cost me more than 200$ 😮 For the pack showcase, click here. Some meshes were problematic in UT4 editor, I couldn’t use them but another fellow level designer, Aquilon, helped me fix the issue, so I could use them 😀 There are quite a few pipes here and there. These do not use the spline system, they are all individual meshes, which took me a long time to assemble due to the complexity of the angles of these.

The level feature the music track Dominion by Marc Mahler. A great music track that will get you in mood!

Note, for all my levels I use Temporal AA since it offers the best visuals.

How to get the file?

If you want to play this level, let me know by going to my About page, then you can email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with a download link where all my levels and readme are. You can also go to my FB page and ask me privately 🙂


  1. Hey! Very cool map… the layout, weapon placement etc. is great… played it with the ‘Bounce’-mod which added a little extra fun too…

    Liked by 1 person

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