
Players / 8 – 12
Released / 29-06-2023
Version / 1.2
Download / On demand only, read further below how to get the file
Checksum / 99ebf8fffba4d649c5543f8939c6fa9b

Story / Histoire

Chroma is a research station on the various gaseous elements of the different atmospheric layers. Chroma is located in the exosphere, which allows to obtain the most thorough research results.

Chroma est une station de recherches sur les divers éléments gazeux des différentes couches atmosphériques. Chroma est localisée dans l’exosphère, ce qui permet d’obtenir des résultats de recherches des plus approfondies.

A little video to get a look and feel of it


Put the files into

Local Drive:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks or
Local Drive:\UT4\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Content\Paks

If this directory is not currently on your system, you can safely create it.


I’m using completely new assets from the Modular SciFi Season 1 Starter Bundle available on Epic Marketplace 😀 Again, had to redo everything from scratch so I could use them in the UT Editor.

As a starting point for the layout, I inspire myself from one of my top UT99 map called DM-Perihelion mining made by PsyXandeR, a must for any UT99 player!! 🙂

Be warned that you’ll need a very fast GPU to truly enjoy the visuals of this map since it use complex lighting / materials. Look here for my main PC specs. I also released DM-Chroma FPS. This version is less CPU/GPU intensive due to fully static lighting.

Note, for all my levels I use Temporal AA since it offers the best visuals.

How to get the file?

If you want to play this level, let me know by going to my About page, then you can email me. I will get back to you as soon as possible and provide you with a download link where all my levels and readme are. You can also go to my FB page and ask me privately 🙂


  1. If you like chrome like me you’ll love this map. I had to turn the graphics down a bit to record and get a playable frame rate but there is an optimized version as well if you need. I really love how stylish and unique this map is with a great balance of open spaces, tight corridors and well placed weapons/power-ups that keep you moving around the map 10/10 👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. THX 😀

    Odd. Playing in low or mid settings, you won’t. You must at least play in High or Epic settings. Without playing, just compare the pics side by side from both levels of the same room and you’ll see difference 🙂


  3. Just did some testing…yes, there are differences between the two versions.
    Biggest difference (for me) can be seen when playing: reflections in the fps-version seem to linger a bit. (Is that the right expression, not sure…).
    Also the uncapped framerate is on average 250 (fps) and 200 (non-fps)

    I’ve also made 2 screenshots from more or less the same viewpoint and the colors of the 2 versions differ. (One is more brownish while the other is a bit more grayish).

    All in all you can say that the non-fps version looks a bit better on my computer….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, that is good for you, since you prefer the FPS version, you’ll get better performances in the end 😀

      The fact that colors aren’t the same is simply because static lights affects how a surface look, and it also have a big impact on reflection. The most accurate lighting and reflection look will be by using stationary or dynamic lights which is the case of the regular version but it is very demanding for CPU / GPU’s. No wonder why UE5 is very slow, even on 2023 high end hardware since everything is dynamic by default.


      1. Not very familiar with UE5, although I tried some things…must say it wasn’t very slow, but just did some simple things…

        The difference in framerate, well, it’s hard to tell the difference I must say.
        This also applies to other levels. In fact, I’ve played most matches with a capped framerate of 120 fps, which is the default setting. I’ve uncapped it just to test the differences between the two versions….

        Liked by 1 person

        1. For sure, getting a minimum of 200 FPS, you’ll never feel the difference.

          The FPS version is targeting low and mid systems, when in those case, players get 25 to 50 FPS with the regular version, playing with the FPS version offer a huge improvement for them so they can achieve 50 to 70 FPS or more.


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