Hot stuff !

To begin with, just to understand the existence of what I consider ‘hot stuff’, I can describe them as ‘a must’  or a ‘keeper’ for UT3 & it also include bonus pack and characters.

I’m please to list all of them here so, it’s my way of promoting other projects. All of them are essentials in my humble opinion. You can expect to find some really awesome stuff! With time passing, they can be very difficult to find or sadly be forgotten. My priorities are as follows :

Superb graphics (UT3 levels and none the less), great atmosphere, great style, highly polished. I prefer maps which the emphasis is more on visuals and atmosphere rather than fast action with graphics that doesn’t inspire me. The maps must have good gameplay and flow well. I seek beautiful maps for casual gaming.

I also like low polygons base maps. This type of maps is primarily made which brushes (BSP) instead of static meshes. The static meshes serve as deco instead of being the frame of the map. Maps made by the HOLP (Hardcore Oldskool Low Poly) team and the UOF (Unreal Old Friends) team are good examples. I regroup all the Low Poly maps together.

Also, there is a lot of great stuff out there but since I’m very picky, they aren’t here for several reasons. Still, I encourage you to download all of them, coming from various forums, contests, bonus pack, etc and build you’re own list of favorite stuff.

Description: Game type, full map title, last known version, author, bonus pack (if coming from) and links


CTF-And action! 2010, 1.0, 1XTreme UOF vol. 1
CTF-Andhera, 1.0, nELsOn Official
CTF-Antediluvian, 2.0, Greenloves CBP3 vol. 4
CTF-Arean, 1.0, KaMi CBP3 vol. 2
CTF-Armadus, 1.0, »TheHitMan« Epic
CTF-Athea CE, 1.0, Thrallala Official
CTF-Austere, 1.1, musilowski Epic
CTF-Dreary outpost, 1.1, Bazzwano Epic
CTF-Eternity, 1.0, Thrallala Official
CTF-Football 2010, 1.4, 1XTreme Epic
CTF-Incinerate, 1.0, Thrallala UOF vol. 1
CTF-Jugo, 1.0, Daze Epic
CTF-Krodan, 1.0, Hourences CBP3 vol. 2
CTF-Legacy, 1.0, Thrallala UOF vol. 2
CTF-Maelstrom, 1.0, 1XTreme Epic
CTF-Magma, ?, Thalos Epic
CTF-Morgoth, 1.0, Monger CBP3 vol. 2
CTF-Radiant, 1.0, Greenloves CBP3 vol. 5
CTF-Raed, 1.0, nELsOn CBP3 vol. 5
CTF-Sabr, 1.1, Chong Lee Official
CTF-Safeguard, 2.0, Bazzwano Epic
CTF-Safeguard, 3.0, Bazzwano Epic
CTF-SkyBridge, 1.0, Remus Official
CTF-Strand, 1.0, Hazel.H Epic
CTF-Stratus, 1.2, Bazzwano Epic
CTF-Thermostate, 1.0, Thrallala Official
CTF-Unikon, 1.0, sklare CBP3 vol. 5
CTF-Vengeance, 1.0, N3oDoc CBP3 vol. 2
DM-1on1-Out of gas, 1.0, DGUnreal Official
DM-Acquisition, 1.0, Slainchild Official
DM-Alpine, 1.0, Genthly Epic
DM-Alps Dawn Duel 2, 1.0, Thrallala Official
DM-Alpu, 1.0, sklare CBP3 vol. 5
DM-Anor, 1.0, Nenad Pazanin Epic
DM-August, 1.0, Neoduck CBP3 vol. 1
DM-Calahan 2, 1.0, Glator Epic
DM-Calibrah FE, 1.0, sklare Epic
DM-Cipe, 1.0, Cr4zy Official
DM-Cog works, 1.0, wael Epic
DM-Conveyor, 1.0, Bret Hart Epic
DM-Curse UT3, 2.0, WrATH Epic
DM-Cydian, 1.0, nELsOn CBP3 vol. 3
DM-Daoist, 2.0, Evilmrfrank Epic
DM-Focus PE, 1.2, ZixXer Epic
DM-Focus SE, 2.0, ZixXer Epic
DM-Furnace, 1.0, Thrallala Official
DM-Gardenia, 1.0, Eric T Berger Official
DM-Glacial, 1.0, Chong Lee Official
DM-Gray matter, 1.1, Remus Official
DM-Grinder RE, 1.0, Bret Hart Epic
DM-Halcyon, 2.0, Raz CBP3 vol. 4
DM-Hangar, 1.02, M^vL Epic
DM-Hard fall, 1.0 SuperAlgae BU
DM-Hell’s gate, 1.0, Gush Epic
DM-Hibernate, 1.0, Thrallala UOF vol. 1
DM-Hypoxia, 1.0, DGUnreal Official
DM-Incapacitate, 1.0, Greenloves CBP3 vol. 3
DM-Krodan, 1.0, Hourences Official
DM-Liandri, 1.0, Ignotium Epic
DM-Marauder SE, 1.0, Plutonic Epic
DM-Meditation, 1.05, [TDC]Destroyer Epic
DM-Necris island, 1.0, DGUnreal, Official
DM-Nimius, 1.0, Ignotium, Epic
DM-Oblivion, 1.0, CPTStewart Epic
DM-Old factory, 1.0, [TDC]Destroyer Epic
DM-Phera, 1.0, nELsOn Official
DM-Play table, 1.0, MMmaster Epic
DM-Project Genesis, RC3, Genthly Epic
DM-Q1DM4, 1.0, Greenloves CBP3 vol. 5
DM-Q3 Pro tourney 4, 1.0, Chong Lee Official
DM-Radiant, 1.0, Greenloves Epic
DM-Restrict, 1.0, Cr4zy Official
DM-Revelator, 1.0, Nenad Pazanin Epic
DM-Rocks and shoals, 1.0, danjw_net Epic
DM-Saip, 2.0, nELsOn CBP3 vol. 4
DM-Serenity bay, 1.0, Chong Lee Official
DM-Shrift, 1.0, Genthly Epic
DM-Silo, 1.2, Vectorspace Epic
DM-Solar, 1.0, KaMi CBP3 vol. 2
DM-SpaceNoxx by M^vL Epic
DM-Stalwart XL, 1.0, KillBait! Epic
DM-Steam temple, 1.0, Setheran Epic
DM-Stronghold, 2.0, Evilmrfrank CBP3 vol. 4
DM-Suraj, 1.0, nELsOn Official
DM-Syndrome, 1.0, DeathoX 8 Official
DM-Tempered, 1.0, DGUnreal Official
DM-The longest yard 2007, 1.6, Crimson Death Epic
DM-Thor, 1.0, N3odocCBP3 vol. 2
DM-Tokara falls, 2.0, Neocane Epic
DM-Vicinity, 1.0, Evilmrfrank CBP3 vol. 5
DM-Waterfalls (Standard Edition and Second Edition), 1.0, DGUnreal Official
DM-WoodRun, 1.0, Sebastien Nova Official
DM-Worm, 1.0, Nurb Official Epic
DM-Xenon, 1.0, Axeman and Slainchild Epic
DM-Xiao, 1.0, ZixXer Epic
DM-Yarith, 2.0, KaMi CBP3 vol. 4
DOM-Aki, 1.0, Nawrot, UT3Dom Official
DOM-City domination, 1.0, Ignotium, UT3Dom Official
DOM-Enslaved, 1.0, Spoondog CBP3 vol. 3
DOM-Lament, 1.0, Ignotium, UT3Dom Official
DOM-Saip, 2.0, nELsOn CBP3 vol. 4
DOM-Yarith, 2.0, KaMi CBP3 vol. 4
VCTF-Artemisa, 1.0, KaMi CBP3 vol. 3
VCTF-Megastructure SE, 1.1, Setheran Epic
WAR-Araja mountains SE, 1.1, minifloppy Official

Low Poly maps

CTF-Bird, 1.0, Mclogenog Official
CTF-Cardinal, 1.0, Sjosz HOLP vol. 2
CTF-Compression, 1.0, Sjosz HOLP vol. 3
CTF-Gravis, 1.0, Sjosz BU
CTF-GRD-DeReZDe, 1.0, Odedge UOF vol. 2
CTF-GRD-O*bert and DM-O*bert 1.0, Odedge Official
CTF-Hosh, 1.0, Sjosz HOLP vol. 1
CTF-Isis, 1.0, Sefyra HOLP vol. 3
CTF-Jigoku, 1.1, DarK/Mclogenog/Sebastien Nova UOF vol. 4
CTF-Lime, 1.0, Sefyra HOLP vol. 3
CTF-Tengoku, 1.1, Mclogenog UOF vol. 4
CTF-The Occam’s Razor facility, 1.0, h0ok HOLP vol. 2
CTF-Yaijm, 1.0, XYZ8000 Official
DM-1on1-Duality, 1.0, Sebastien Nova Official
DM-1on1-Korumi, 1.0, Sebastien Nova Official
DM-Aero, 1.0, Sebastien Nova UOF vol. 1
DM-Atori, 1.1, Sebastien Nova UOF vol. 4
DM-Dethen, 1.0, Mclogenog Official
DM-DeReZ, 1.0, Odedge UOF vol. 2
DM-DeReZDe, 1.0, Odedge UOF vol. 2
DM-Echelon, 1.0, Slainchild Official
DM-Edge, 1.0, Cr4zy Official
DM-Galsteen, 1.0, Mclogenog Official
DM-Genki, 1.1, Mclogenog UOF vol. 4
DM-Integrity, 1.0, Slainchild Official
DM-Malevolence LP, 1.1, PlayForGG Epic
DM-Monas, 1.0, Mclogenog Official
DM-Refresh, 1.0, nELsOn CBP3 vol. 5
DM-Untold storage, 1.0, Mclogenog Official

Epic official content

Patch 2.1 (or patch 5 which is the latest) Direct download
Titan pack Official
Gamespy patch info Official


GoB-BA, 1.1, iWaNN Epic
Hyora, 1.0, Legendary_Lee Epic
Kerrigan, 1.4, Albatr0s Epic
Kaos Operations Section, 1.2, Mandinga Epic
Liandribots III, 2.0, MacTom27 Epic
Malcolm, 1.1, The_Slaughter Epic
Skaarj, 1.05, EvilEngine & Agent-X Epic
Rankin, 1.0, Legendary_Lee Epic
War machine, 1.0, iWaNN CBP3 vol. 2
X.E.N.O., 1.01, EvilEngine Epic